Keynote Speeches
"Motor system in all-electric mobile platform"
Dong Wang
Naval University of Engineering, Professor.
In recent years, development of power electronics and AC motor technology has promoted the profound change of power system from mechanization to electrification, spawned all-electric mobile platforms such as all-electric vessels, all-electric vehicles and all-electric / more-electric aircrafts, and accelerated the development of a series of technologies such as efficient renewable energy utilization, high-performance electric machines and drives, as well as intelligent control. This lecture introduces the demand characteristics of all-electric mobile platforms such as all-electric vessels, all-electric vehicles, and all-electric / more-electric aircraft, summarizes the development trend and technology frontier, and discusses the key technologies and bottlenecks of the motor system in the all-electric mobile platform.
Dong Wang was born in Wuhan, China, in 1978. He received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan, China, in 2000 and 2007, respectively. He is currently a professor and a supervisor for Ph.D. candidates with Naval University of Engineering. His research interests include electric propulsion and integrated power generation systems.
Alf Kåre Ådnanes
ABB Marine & Ports, Regional Manager AMEA (Asia, Middle East and Africa)
Electric propulsion is not a new concept; the first vessels were already electrified for more than 100 years ago.
It gained a solid foothold during the 1990's, mainly in passenger and offshore oil and gas segment. Safety, comfort, and maneuverability were the initial drivers, and gradually fuel savings got more importance as fuel became a bigger share of the operating costs.
During recent years, emissions and climate changes have escalated to the top of political and social agenda, and all industries needs to respond to those with plans and actions to set up a path towards carbon neutrality.
For shipping, the 174 member states of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) have agreed to set xxxxx
"Sustainable Shipping — Electric Propulsion enables future proof ships with tangible benefits already now"
ambitious targets for CO2 emissions: at least 40% reduction of carbon intensity in 2030 increasing 70% in 2050, with 2008 as baseline.
The targets can only be met by a disruptive way on how ships are designed, operated, and change to carbon neutral fuels. Electric and hybrid propulsion will be one of the solutions that can integrate and use new energy sources and energy carriers that are under development or even not known yet.
In this presentation, I will show how electric propulsion as we know today is a futureproofing concept, considering that ships are typically in operation for 20 or more years. Further, electric propulsion is also providing gain from day one in operation performance and economy.
Alf Kåre Ådnanes first joined ABB in 1991. He has worked in various positions including corporate research, marine engineering and projects delivery, product management and development, and technology management for the global marine business. He was ABB Marine & Ports China General Manager from 2016 to 2020. Starting from 2021, he is appointed as Regional Manager for ABB Marine & Ports AMEA (Asia, Middle East and Africa).
Alf Kåre holds MSc and PhD in Electrical Engineering from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Kan Akatsu received B.S., M.S., and Ph. D degrees in electrical engineering from Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan, in 1995, 1997, 2000 respectively.
He joined Nissan Research Center, Yokosuka, Japan, in 2000, he contributed to the design and analysis of the new concept permanent magnet machines. In 2003, he joined the department of Electrical and Electric Engineering at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, as an assistant professor. From 2005 to 2007, he is a JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research Abroad, visiting professor in WEMPEC (Wisconsin Electric Machines and Power Electronics Consortium), University of Wisconsin-Madison. From 2009, he was an associate professor, and he was a full professor in Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. From October 2019, he is a professor in Yokohama National University.
"Integration technology of electric machines and inverter system in EV"
Kan Akatsu
Yokohama National University, Professor
Especially in the field of the power train of Electric Vehicle and Hybrid electric vehicle, the power train consist of electric machine and inverter, sometimes including the reduction gears, is required not only high efficiency but also high power density and high torque density. The integration technique the electric machine with the inverter is one of the key technologies to realize compact, light, highly efficient system. In the presentation, I explain about some technique to integrate them in the viewpoint of the machine design, inverter design, and thermal design.